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I M P O R T A N T   N O T I C E  *


Dear Church Family  


The NEC have recently advised of an unfortunate growing number of incidents across our Conferences where uninvited individuals have joined and disrupted ZOOM meetings.  


In the interest of keeping us all safe, from Sabbath 16 May 2020, we are requesting that before joining any ZOOM meeting, you change your settings to display *YOUR NAME rather than the name of your device.  *


We are now having prayer meetings every  Wednesday  at 6pm. You are more than welcome to join in as we pray together.

ZOOM Meeting ID : 842 0259 8734

Time :18:00 

Lets get connected ..............

Welcome to our Oldham AY service.Please join us every Saturday through our ZOOM VIRTUAL PLATFORM .To join please click the yellow link below 

Join Zoom Meeting

 Time: 3:30pm 


ZOOM MEETING ID: : 880 1624 8539


Let's get connected..............

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